Worldwide practitioners of GENTLE TEACHING and their communities have connected in Portugal for three days of dialogue and in-depth reflections & celebrations about GENTLENESS, HOPE and FREEDOM.
Sharing this time together is filled with stories, resources, and inspiration, as this global community rediscovers the collective presence that is experienced as a whole, greater than the sum of its parts, learning more about increasing goals being achieved, relationship-building outcomes, and endless opportunities that are at hand for creating companionship and a sense of community with all, not excluding those with special needs, and focusing on building relationships with these community members as they ‘see them in their capacity’* of feeling safe, feeling loved, feeling loving, and becoming engaged. These are the four pillars of Gentle Teaching.
GENTLE TEACHING is doing things together. It is a journey where we walk together, work together, learn together.
*a phrase used by keynote speaker Michael, Vincent (USA) in talking about the goal of creating companionship.